My Year in Music {2020}

2020 has been a year. What is there to say about it that hasn't already been said? While I'm excited to move on to 2021, I want to look back on the past twelve months first. Since 2015, I've shared a series of posts that I call "My Year in ______" to highlight my favorite things from the year. It's one reason I always look forward to December! There were a lot of things I didn't love about 2020, but I am excited to spend the next week talking about some of the good things I found or experienced. Today, it's all about music! • Music in 20152016, 20172018, and 2019

While I used to love Spotify's wrap up statistics at the end of the year, my kids have wreaked havoc on my account. Almost all of my most-played albums and songs this year were for my big boy and/or baby. UGH. However, I did have at least one top album and artist that didn't come from them, so I've used that one for my stats below. 

And despite the fact that my personal listening didn't beat the amount of time I spent playing music for my boys, I did still find some favorites! Most months, I obsessively listen to an album before moving on to something else. It's one of my weird listening quirks. So, here are the twelve I loved most in 2020 ( ♥ = top three):

Manic by Halsey – I loved Halsey's debut album, barely listened to her second, and then had this one on repeat at the beginning of the year. There are a few songs I skip every time, but I really enjoyed it overall. 

Nightfall by Little Big Town – A song from this album randomly appeared on my New Release Radar playlist, and I'd forgotten how much I'd enjoyed this band in the past. This release was the perfect reminder! 

Little Women Soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat – After seeing this movie in December, I immediately looked up the soundtrack. I adore listening to instrumental music while blogging, and this was perfect background noise.

Heartbreak Weather by Niall Horan – I never really listened to One Direction, but I have loved a lot of their solo work. How did that happen? I thought this was so catchy and had it playing all of March.

Lady Like by Ingrid Andress – Someone I follow on Instagram had posted about Ingrid's singles prior to this album, and I had one on my 2019 My Year in Music playlist. The album's release was on my radar, and it didn't disappoint.

SOUTHSIDE by Sam Hunt – I listened to this album a lot when it came out, and it took a long time to grow on me. I think my expectations were just so high based on my love for his earlier music. Still a solid album though!

Carly Pearce by Carly Pearce – My country mood comes and goes, but I'd loved Pearce's debut album so this was on my radar. It was a enjoyable listen! The first is still my favorite, but I look forward to more from Pearce.

Three. Two. One. by Lennon Stella ♥ This was my most-played album in 2020, according to my Spotify stats. And that doesn't surprise me! This is in my top three albums of 2020 and one I'll definitely keep in rotation.

Gaslighter by The Chicks – I listened to a lot more country music in middle and high school than I do now, so listening to new music by this old favorite was so nostalgic. They didn't hold back, and I couldn't get enough!

folklore by Taylor Swift ♥  A surprise album from Taylor Swift? Pinch me! The whole mood and sound is right up my alley, and I can't get enough. Listening to this, evermore, and Swift's older albums made her my most-played artist.

Rescue Story by Zach Williams – A 2019 release that I didn't hear until the end of this year, but it quickly became a favorite. I need to listen to worship music more often because this was so comforting to me.

evermore by Taylor Swift  – A SECOND ALBUM FROM TAYLOR SWIFT? What a time to be alive! I am absolutely obsessed with this and folklore and am loving the new sound and more imaginative storytelling. 

And, just for fun, here's the playlist + three albums that took over my Spotify stats: 

Y'all, I can't even. The baby was often an impatient nurser, so I got in the habit of turning on the Lullaby Baby playlist for some soothing music anytime he needed to feed... which was a lot. And you can blame my big boy and his movie/TV obsessions for the soundtracks for The Lion Guard, Lilo & Stitch, and Winnie the Pooh. Did you know I'm in the top 0.5% of listeners for the artist behind The Lion Guard soundtrack? What a coveted spot... Haha! 

What was your favorite album in 2020? 
Were there any songs that defined your year?


  1. I'm the same with Halsey's discography! I think I still like her debut more than Manic, but Manic was one of my favorites in 2020. And Lennon Stella has grown to be one of my favorite artists!!! I love Older Than I Am!

  2. I am so grateful that T.Swift chose to bless us with TWO different albums in 2020! They were definitely a musical highlight of the year for me <3


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