Favorite Factor: April 2015

Cassie and I are still talking about our love for adult fiction, but in a new way! Every other month, we will be sharing four books with you: two recent favorites (and the factors that made us love them) and two upcoming reads (and the factors that have us interested). We hope you'll find the perfect adult fiction for you!
The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

Release Date: April 7, 2015
Genre: Contemporary
Factor I Loved: Characters

Reason You Should Read:
The Royal We is inspired by the relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton. Written by the talented bloggers behind Go Fug Yourself, I absolutely loved this familiar (but somewhat fictional) world. When American Rebecca Porter decides to study abroad at Oxford, she has no idea that she'll end up living right down the hall from Prince Nicholas. And so begins a friendship that will change her life forever.... I had a hard time choosing a favorite factor because I genuinely loved every aspect of this book: the setting, the plot, the writing, the relationships and the characters. But since it's a character-driven book at its heart, I went with that element. It's inspired by real people, but this book also stands on its own merit. It made me think about life in the spotlight and the sacrifice it requires - proof a book can be entertaining and thought provoking! If you love books about royalty, I recommend this one.

It's Not Me, It's You by Mhairi McFarlane

Release Date: November 6, 2014 (UK)
Genre: Contemporary
Factor I Loved: Characters

Reason You Should Read:
What a delightful read! I loved McFarlane's previous book, You Had Me at Hello, but it doesn't even compare to her most recent release. It's Not Me, It's You isn't a short read - it clocks in at 531 pages - but I started it after work one night and didn't go to bed until I was done. It's only been published in the UK at this point, but this book is worth tracking down on Book Depository. Delia Moss isn't sure where it all went wrong in her life, but she's determined to fix it. I was cheering her on every step of the way! McFarlane's writing style and sense of humor stood out to me, but her charming characters stole my heart. I connected to Delia's fears, and I found myself swept up in her story. I'm not the most emotional reader, but I definitely shed some tears and laughed out loud while reading this book. If you like complicated and relatable heroines and relationships with bickering (and banter, of course), this one is for you!
Cinnamon and Gunpowder by Eli Brown

Release Date: June 4, 2013
Genre: Historical
Factor of Interest: Setting

Reasons I Want to Read:
Historial fiction set on a pirate's ship? Sign me up! A renowned chef is a kidnapped by a ruthless pirate named MAD HANNAH MABBOT, and I clearly feel a kinship with this heroine based on her name alone. This is a twist on the tale of Scheherazade from One Thousand and One Nights, and it apparently combines adventure and romance. I'll confess that the cover is what first attracted me to this book, but the summary and unique setting is what earned it a spot on my TBR. I hope it lives up to my expectations! I'm planning to read this one over the summer, so I guess we'll soon see if judging a book by its cover worked in my favor... and if not, there won't be just one Mad Hannah anymore.

The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

Release Date: June 6, 2015
Genre: Fantasy
Factor of Interest: Plot

Reasons I Want to Read:
Despite seeing mixed reactions to The Queen of the Tearling last year, I decided to give the first book in this series a chance. And I ended up falling in love with it! While it wasn't a perfect read, I found the characters and setting were intriguing. However, it was the social and political storylines that set it apart. I finished the first book and felt like there was still so much left for Johansen to explore in future books, so I'm eagerly anticipating this release. I have no idea if I'll love the second book as much as I loved the first, but I look forward to diving back into this complex and layered world. But is it too much to ask to have a little romance in this installment? I don't have to have it, but it wouldn't hurt either.

Want more? Check out Cassie's post!


  1. I love this feature idea--especially as someone who doesn't know as much about adult fiction as I perhaps should. I backed away from The Queen of the Tearling because of the mixed reviews but I am adding it back to my TBR based on your recommendation.

  2. I'm so, so excited for The Invasion of the Tearling! I was pleasantly surprised by The Queen of the Tearling last year, and I look forward to immersing myself yet again in Johansen's world + story. Plus, I need to read more about my girl, Kelsea!

    Also, I really need to read those first two novels. The Royal We appeals to the part of my personality that totally ships Will and Kate IRL (and loves Kate Middleton, period), while Mhairi's books sound fantastic ;)

  3. I've already added The Royal We to my shopping cart! I had a gift certificate and already knew what I would spend it on. :) Great feature!


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