Nobody's heard from me for months...

Sep 1, 2024

It's been more than 3 years since I posted anything here, so I'm not sure anyone will be reading this update. But I wanted to officially close this chapter and make note of an upcoming change to So Obsessed With

Nobody's heard from me for months / I'm doing better than I ever was...

I started this blog right after graduating college, getting married, and beginning my first job. The years I spent working on this website were some of the most creatively fulfilling of my life. Reading, writing reviews, editing discussion posts, designing graphics, responding to comments, interacting on Twitter, attending BEA, navigating NetGalley, making friends – every minute I spent on this website brought so much joy to my life. Though my posting frequency waxed and waned, this was consistent labor of love for a decade of my life. I grew up here! 

I had no intention of quitting my blog when I did. It crept up on me slowly. First, I quit posting on Twitter in 2019, and then Instagram in 2020. Social media was taking up too much of my time and energy, so I just... stopped. I kept blogging but let go of the things I was overthinking. In June 2021, I finished a post about my Summer TBR, hit Publish, and thought, I think I want to take a break from posting. So, I told myself I wouldn't post anything for the rest of the summer. As one season gave way to the next, I was surprised to discover that I didn't want to come back.

Because I wasn't checking my blog email or managing comments here, a lot of spam came in – and I missed some very kind comments from blog readers who were checking in on me and my family. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the notes letting me know that I was missed and hoping all was well! I have been the person who regularly read a blog that ended with no explanation, so I'm sorry I never provided an update that all was well.

I've been taking care of my family, reading voraciously, and discovered a love for journaling. I've always loved paper products and have long posted about various notebooks and planners. But in the time I used to spend working on the blog, I've been filling up pages and pages of journals. You can see them in the photo at the beginning of this post! Many of the things I used to write about here – seasonal TBRs, quarterly obsessions, photos of my life – are now documented there. I'm doing it for me, not for content, and it's been just what I needed.

What prompted me to post today, in addition to a desire to provide a little closure to this space, is that I am finally planning to stop paying for my custom domain. In 2013, I got on GoDaddy, bought and taught myself how to get my little address to forward to it. And even though I stopped posting three years ago, every September I've paid the money to renew it. I just wasn't ready to say goodbye! But now, it's time. 

As of mid-September, you can only access this site at 

I truly don't anticipate anyone visiting this website anymore, but I won't be deleting it. I like knowing that it will exist as an archive and love letter to all the things I was so obsessed with from 2011-2021. But if you happen to still be an email subscriber or have this site bookmarked, I wanted to share this update. 

If you'd like to connect, I'm still on Goodreads. Add me as a friend there to see what I'm reading and how I'm rating it. And though I'm not posting on Instagram currently, I do actively follow people and chat in my DMs. I'm @soobsessedblog there – please feel free to reach out! If I ever get the itch to start a Substack, you'll find out about it there. Thank you so much for spending your time reading the books I've recommended and the things I've written! Creating So Obsessed With was one of the best decisions I ever made.

The Books on My Summer 2021 TBR

Jun 15, 2021

It's time for one of my favorite posts of the year – sharing the books I'll be reading this summer! Every year on the blog, with the exception of 2020, I've paired vacation destinations with the books I'd want to read at each. It's like a mini summer reading guide, if you will. For today's post, I'm featuring my actual Summer 2021 TBR. Every book I've chosen is one that I'm planning on reading this summer, a mix of newer releases with a few older books that I've been meaning to pick up. No matter where I'm headed, I've got the perfect book to bring with me!

At the beach, I tend to gravitate towards contemporary and/or romance. I want something that's easy to get into and hard to put down because I want to binge it all in one sitting, if possible. After reading Dolly Alderton's memoir, I've been looking forward to her adult contemporary debut, Ghosts, chronicling the woes of modern romance. The Duke Undone by Joanna Lowell is a historical romance that opens with an artist stumbling upon a naked man in an alley. Scandalous! And Toyko Ever After by Emiko Jean sounds like the YA princess story I need in my life.

I'll read almost anything in the mountains, but it's definitely a place where I'll pick up something slower. It just prompts me to sit down and relax. A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus is middle grade about a group of siblings during WWII. I'm in love with the cover! And I want to read Freely and Lightly by Emily Lex, a memoir, partly for the lovely watercolor illustrations throughout. Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan is a family drama from an author I've loved in the past. And I look forward to returning to Port William in Wendell Berry's Jayber Crow.

With life starting to get back to normal, summer could be the perfect time to fly somewhere – maybe to visit family/friends you haven't seen in forever! When I'm flying, I can get in the zone and tear through a good book. The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews is a contemporary with a mystery to it, which would definitely hook me. The Layover by Lacie Waldon is an obvious choice since the heroine is a flight attendant, but I had to do it. And The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton is a historical romance that sounds like so much fun.

Most of my summer will be spent sitting on my screened-in porch. Whether I'm watching my boys play or winding down after a long day, I'll have a book with me. At home, I'm open to heavier topics or more emotional stories. All four of these books deal with moments where life doesn't turn out the way characters expected. Competitive Grieving by Nora Zelevansky and Early Morning Riser by Katherine Heiny are adult contemporary, Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee is a YA historical fiction, and Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner is a memoir. 

What I pack in my pool bag is similar to what I'd take to the beach, except I need it to be even more engrossing. Without the ocean's roar, I need my book to transport somewhere that I don't hear loud music and annoying conversations. The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett by Annie Lyons might be an unusual choice based on that criteria, but I didn't want to put it down after sampling the first chapter. And The Summer Job by Lizzie Dent and The Siren by Katherine St. John both sound dramatic, which is exactly what I need for an afternoon by the pool!

At the lake, I lean towards something shorter to sit and read on the dock. On a boat, I don't even bother to pack a book. Northern Spy by Flynn Berry is a thriller, so it stands out for being both short and fast-paced. A book inspired by Greek mythology – Ariadne by Jennifer Saint – may seem like an outlier, but I'm so obsessed with the subject matter these days that I likely wouldn't be able to put it down. And Where I Come From by Rick Bragg is a book of short stories from one of my favorite Southern writers. I don't think I could go wrong with any of these choices!

This post was inspired by a Top Ten Tuesday topic, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Here's a look back at my "summer bags" through the years: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019

What are you hoping to read this summer?

Currently {Spring 2021}

Jun 11, 2021

I first shared my own version of this post last year, and I decided it was time for an update! As I mentioned before, thanks to Lauren from Bookmark Lit for the inspiration for this type of post. I've seen lot of variations on it, but hers inspired me to finally do one of my own. So, here's what my life looks like lately:


Currently reading: While sampling The Library of the Dead by T.L. Huchu at the bookstore, I couldn't put it down. I'm not very far in but am thoroughly enjoying it so far, even though it's not something I'd typically read. 

Currently audiobook-ing: I'm listening to Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price – a fun twist on my favorite book. I love retellings, and this one turns it into YA murder mystery. I'm halfway through and loving the creativity!

Currently recommending: Mhairi McFarlane is a favorite author and her latest release, Just Last Night, is fantastic. A debut that I can't stop raving about is Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann. I loved the ties to mythology. 

Currently on hold at the library: I'm looking forward to trying A Peculiar Combination by Ashley Weaver and Anne of Manhattan by Brina Starler. Two books I'm interested in but wasn't ready to commit to yet.

Currently pre-ordered: I know almost nothing about it, but I can't wait to read The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton. The cover! The summary! It all sounds so delightful to me.

Currently in my cart: I'm currently eyeing A Pho Love Story by Loan Le and Home Made by Liz Hauck, two (very different) books involving food. Will I add them to my shelves? Probably, let's be honest.

Currently adding to my TBR: My June Book of the Month pick just arrived this week – Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon. Let's not talk about everything I ordered from Book Outlet in a moment of weakness.

Currently NetGalley-ing: I adore Berkley for approving me for The Devil and the Heiress by Harper St. George. I loved the first book! I'm excited for Ghosts by Dolly Alderton, especially after reading her memoir.


Currently listening: New albums from Olivia Rodrigo and Mat Kearney, plus From the Front Porch podcast.

Currently watching: Not much. Just re-watching New Girl and catching up on this season of Grey's Anatomy

Currently eating: TOSTITOS Hint of Guacamole chips, which are unbelievably addicting.

Currently drinking: Chick-fil-a's sweet tea + lemonade, which they call Sunjoy. It's an Arnold Palmer to me. 

Currently wearing: These pajama shorts around the house, and I bought this cute swimsuit for pool days.

Currently bookmarking: I found Stuck in the Stacks through a Book of the Month group, I think, and I look forward her monthly BOTM prediction posts (an example). They always put new releases on my radar!

Currently coveting: This Apple watch band, but the price is making me hesitate. Should I do it?!

Currently obsessing over: My screened-in porch, which I deep cleaned after my mom got new bedding + pillows!


Currently celebrating: In May, we celebrated our big boy turning five and finishing this year of preschool! Now, Father's Day is coming up, along with summer family adventures and our 10th wedding anniversary. 

Currently loving: My (almost) weekly Barnes & Noble dates with my sister, usually on New Release Tuesday. 

Currently looking forward to: Spending time in the mountains this summer with my favorite people.

Currently procrastinating: Everything? I haven't worked on our family yearbooks, which is the biggest one. 

Currently accomplishing: I've slacked on my goals recently, but I've loved checking items off our family bucket list.

Currently researching: My favorite used bookstore closed unexpectedly, and I've tried to find out if it's relocating or permanent. I think the latter, which makes me so sad. There are other locations in Georgia, but none nearby.

Currently thinking about: All the things I keep procrastinating? Additionally, whether or not I want to continue blogging. This December marks 10 years, and the milestone is making me evaluate the future of this space. 

Currently feeling: Hopeful! Life is looking a lot more normal here in Georgia, and it's made me so happy.

What's Currently going on in your life?

June 2021 Goals

Jun 10, 2021

As with April, May was a rough month for my goals. I'm not really sure why! I had the time but not the desire. I've relished life returning to normal here in Georgia, but I'm probably experiencing some burnout from the past year, too. Whenever I had moments of downtime, I found myself retreating to books more often than not. That's nothing new, of course, but a single-mindedness about it isn't my norm. Usually, my reading is balanced in with other hobbies – watching TV/movies, working on creative projects, blogging, etc. But lately, I just want my books. So, here we are. May wasn't a resounding success when it came to my to dos, but I made sweet memories, celebrated exciting milestones, and spent many nights on my back porch with a book. I'd welcome more of that in June.

On My Calendar:
– Camping trip for Nick and our big boy
– Spending a week or two in the mountains
– Fun summer camps for our big boy
– Celebrating Father's Day
– A few family birthdays

Currently Obsessing Over:
– I've had the new Olivia Rodrigo album on repeat, and I'm loving it so much! As I joked in my May recap – I'm in my 30s with two kids but listening makes me feel like angsty teen. How dare Olivia do this to me?
– In my most recent So Obsessed With post, I mentioned this travel mug. I hadn't purchased it at the time but finally treated myself in a recent sale. I couldn't resist the hydrangeas – my favorite flower – and the color!
Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason is my favorite book I've read so far this year, and my sister just ordered us this signed exclusive edition from Waterstones. I can't wait to proudly display it on my shelves once it's here.
– I can't decide if I love this Apple watch band enough to pay $65 for it. Time will tell, but I'll report back if I do.

Yearly Goals:
(These should stay the same all year, so I'll just do month-to-month progress reports!)
– Read a devotional every morning.
– Do Soulspace meditation every night.
– Blog 2x per week.

May progress:
– Um... I only read my devotional five days in May. What happened to me?
– Even worse, I didn't listen to SoulSpace once. It was clearly a rough month for daily habits.
– I posted more in May than April, but I still fell two posts short of my goal.

Revisiting My May Goals:
Visit a botanical garden as a family. / The boys and I went to the botanical gardens the last week of May, and I'm so glad that I put this on my list of goals. I don't think I would have prioritized it if I hadn't, and it ended up being one of my favorite memories from the month. We will definitely go back in the future, too.
– Weather permitting, go strawberry picking. / The weather was nice enough, but the timing just didn't work out with Nick's travel + our various weekend plans. We may try for blueberry picking in June instead.
Celebrate my big boy's 5th birthday! / We kicked off May with a candy-themed party for my big boy and had the best time celebrating his sweet self. I can't believe he's already reached this milestone – where has time gone?
– Fill out my big boy's Year 4 in his Promptly Journal. / I started but didn't finish. I'll carry this over into June.
– Select photos for my 2019 family yearbook. / Totally forgot this was on my list and didn't even attempt it...
Catch up on February, March, and April reviews. / I'm proud of my progress here, even though I didn't quite finish. I wrote almost 50 reviews – February 2021, March 2021, and March 2021 Favorites. Almost there!
– Start my Bible study workbook. / Even though I'd picked out what workbook I wanted to complete, I didn't set it within easy reach to remind myself to actually do it. Whoopsy. Lesson learned on that one.

My June Goals:
– Plan for upcoming 10th wedding anniversary.
– Make rainbow popsicles for my boys. 
– Have a water gun fight in the backyard. 
– Spend time outside every day. 
– Complete my big boy's Year 4 in his Promptly Journal.
– Make my Summer 2021 TBR.
– Set up June in my journal – and catch up on past pages!
– Start my Bible study workbook.

Do you have any goals for June?

May 2021: Recap + On My Shelves

Jun 4, 2021

In May, we celebrated several birthdays, the end of school, swim lessons, new book releases, and had various other silly adventures. It was a packed month and passed in a blink! How are we already halfway through 2021?

1. Our Big Boy Turns 5 – At the beginning of May, our sweet big boy turned five years old! We celebrated him with a candy-themed party, and it was so cute. Honestly, I can't believe it.  It feels like just yesterday that I was praying for a baby, and now I spend every day with this smart, loving, and adorable boy. Being his mom is such a joy! It's been so fun to watch him become a big brother and grow this much past year. I can't wait to see what 5 holds!

2. New Release Tuesday – My sister and I have been going on Barnes & Noble dates for months now, but in May we made it a priority to go on Tuesdays to scope out all the new releases. She's been the best/worst influence on my TBR! Some days we leave with eight books and other days just one, but I always know we'll have the best time hanging out. I'm so thrilled she's discovered a love of reading, and we can share it.

3. Mommy & Big Boy Day – We did a virtual preschool for our big boy this past year, and his last day was mid-May. To celebrate, my mom kept the baby and we had a "mommy and big boy" day. We got some new dinosaur shirts for summer, picked out something at the LEGO store, checked out all the animals at Bass Pro, and treated ourselves to Menchie's. It was the sweetest thing to spend the day together and make so many special memories.

4. Botanical Gardens – One afternoon, we were in need of a little adventure. So, I packed up the boys and we headed to the Botanical Gardens. It was just what we needed! So many flowers were in bloom, and we had a fantastic time wandering around. A new children's garden had been added since our last visit several years ago, so we got to enjoy a playground and water features, too. It was the perfect spring activity, and we'll definitely go back. 

Read 31 Books | Favorites:
Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann
Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane
We Are Not Free by Traci Chee

Honorable Mentions:
A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes
The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall
The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren
Last Tang Standing by Lauren Ho

“Power does not transform you, he’d said. It only reveals you.” 
Lore by Alexandra Bracken

“Be very, very careful who you let into your life. And learn to make peace with whatever happens. 
You can’t erase the past. It’s trapped in there with you. But you can make peace with it. 
If you don’t,’ he said, ‘you’ll be at perpetual war.” 
Kingdom of the Blind by Louise Penny

“As a good rule of thumb, if you have to lie, you might be doing something wrong.” 
Kingdom of the Blind by Louise Penny

 “He loses his wife so he stirs up an army to bring her back to him, 
costing countless lives and creating countless widows, orphans and slaves. 
Oenone loses her husband and she raises their son. Which of those is the more heroic act?” 
A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

“I notice, once again, that company that’s not the right fit for you
 is so much lonelier than being happily alone.” 
Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane

“But I think you should keep in mind that forgiveness is a choice. It doesn’t arrive on fairy wings; 
it doesn’t descend from the sky for you to take or leave. Forgiveness is an action.”
Good Company by Cynthia d'Aprix Sweeney

“God did not change the circumstances of your life, God changed you.”
The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall 

“Maybe things can always get better between people who want to do a good job loving each other. 
Maybe that’s all it takes.” 
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

“It’s not your job to make me happy, okay? You can’t make anyone happy. 
I’m happy just because you exist, and that’s as much of my happiness as you have control over.” 
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

“I have brought light into this world, and I have been given light from this world. And what light it is! 
I can say that I have lived. Can you say that you have lived? You must be able to say you have lived. 
I have loved, and I have been loved. That is all we should want. This is all you have to do right now. 
It is right in front of you. So just take it. I know I plan to.” 
How Lucky by Will Leitch

"But we overlay the present onto the past. We look back through the lens of what we know now, 
so we're not seeing it as the people we were, we're seeing it as the people we are, 
and that means the past has been radically altered.” 
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

“Outside is the camp, the barbed wire, the guard towers, the city, the country that hates us. 
But in here, we are together. We are not free. But we are not alone.” 
We Are Not Free by Traci Chee

“... a mistake isn't always a mistake. ... Sometimes a mistake is actually an opportunity, 
but we just can't see it right then and there.” 
Front Desk by Kelly Yang

“I realize your default energy level is Cardboard Cutout, but I can’t get to know you if you don’t speak.” 
The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren

“She had to choose what, of the things she inherited from the people who came before her, 
she wanted to bring forward. And what, of the past, she wanted to leave behind.”
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

My blogging life got a little better in May compared to March and April. Kinda? I shared my April 2021 Recap and followed it up with my May 2021 Goals. My biggest accomplishment was starting to make a dent in my backlog of reviews. I chatted about 16 books in Quick Lit: February 2021. And because I read 32 books in March, I reviewed 21 books in my Quick Lit: March 2021 and the 9 that I loved most in Quick Lit: March 2021 Favorites. Finally, I rounded up seven recent obsessions in So Obsessed With: Mini Edition #12. I'd love to have a little more variety in my June posts – possibly a discussion post or two? I always have the best of intentions...

Favorite Album #1: SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo
I'm in my 30s, married with two kids, and this makes me feel like an angsty teen.
I'm totally obsessed and can't turn it off. How dare Olivia do this to me?!

Favorite Album #2: January Flower by Mat Kearney
I love Mat Kearney and have been looking forward to this album for months!
"Anywhere with You" is my favorite right now, but the whole thing is great.

Favorite Album #3: The Otherside by Cam
I hadn't listened to Cam before, but Cassie recommended this album to me.
And she was spot on! I think "The Otherside" is currently my most-listened to song.

Book of the Month: How Lucky by Will Leitch

Barnes & Noble: Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton, Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee, Toyko Ever After by Emiko Jean, When These Mountains Burn by David Joy, A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes, The Cave Dwellers by Christina McDowell, The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren, Anna K Away by Stacey Lee, Ariadne by Jennifer Saint, The Summer Job by Lizzy Dent, Beth & Amy by Virginia Kantra, The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, To Have and to Hoax by Martha Waters, Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane, and Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

Amazon: The Odyssey and The Iliad by Homer, Heroes and Mythos by Stephen Fry, and Competitive Grieving by Nora Zelevansky

Costco, Target, and Walmart: The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn, The Secret Bridesmaid by Katy Birchall, The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave, Good Company by Cynthia d'Aprix Sweeney, The Siren by Katherine St. John, Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead, The Newcomer by Mary Kay Andrews, and Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann

Used Bookstore: The Big Finish by Brooke Fossey and Front Desk by Kelly Yang

Off My Sister's Shelves: From Blood and Ash by Jennifer Armentrout, Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie, and The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

Audible: The Big Finish by Brooke Fossey, Heroes by Stephen Fry, People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry, When These Mountains Burn by David Joy, The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett by Annie Lyons, Ariadne by Jennifer Saint, The Lion's Den by Katherine St. John and Olympus, Texas by Stacey Swann

Kindle: All Roads Lead to You by Jennifer Probst (not pictured)

NetGalley: Ghosts by Dolly Alderton and The Devil and the Heiress by Harper St. George
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