Nobody's heard from me for months...

It's been more than 3 years since I posted anything here, so I'm not sure anyone will be reading this update. But I wanted to officially close this chapter and make note of an upcoming change to So Obsessed With

Nobody's heard from me for months / I'm doing better than I ever was...

I started this blog right after graduating college, getting married, and beginning my first job. The years I spent working on this website were some of the most creatively fulfilling of my life. Reading, writing reviews, editing discussion posts, designing graphics, responding to comments, interacting on Twitter, attending BEA, navigating NetGalley, making friends – every minute I spent on this website brought so much joy to my life. Though my posting frequency waxed and waned, this was consistent labor of love for a decade of my life. I grew up here! 

I had no intention of quitting my blog when I did. It crept up on me slowly. First, I quit posting on Twitter in 2019, and then Instagram in 2020. Social media was taking up too much of my time and energy, so I just... stopped. I kept blogging but let go of the things I was overthinking. In June 2021, I finished a post about my Summer TBR, hit Publish, and thought, I think I want to take a break from posting. So, I told myself I wouldn't post anything for the rest of the summer. As one season gave way to the next, I was surprised to discover that I didn't want to come back.

Because I wasn't checking my blog email or managing comments here, a lot of spam came in – and I missed some very kind comments from blog readers who were checking in on me and my family. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the notes letting me know that I was missed and hoping all was well! I have been the person who regularly read a blog that ended with no explanation, so I'm sorry I never provided an update that all was well.

I've been taking care of my family, reading voraciously, and discovered a love for journaling. I've always loved paper products and have long posted about various notebooks and planners. But in the time I used to spend working on the blog, I've been filling up pages and pages of journals. You can see them in the photo at the beginning of this post! Many of the things I used to write about here – seasonal TBRs, quarterly obsessions, photos of my life – are now documented there. I'm doing it for me, not for content, and it's been just what I needed.

What prompted me to post today, in addition to a desire to provide a little closure to this space, is that I am finally planning to stop paying for my custom domain. In 2013, I got on GoDaddy, bought and taught myself how to get my little address to forward to it. And even though I stopped posting three years ago, every September I've paid the money to renew it. I just wasn't ready to say goodbye! But now, it's time. 

As of mid-September, you can only access this site at 

I truly don't anticipate anyone visiting this website anymore, but I won't be deleting it. I like knowing that it will exist as an archive and love letter to all the things I was so obsessed with from 2011-2021. But if you happen to still be an email subscriber or have this site bookmarked, I wanted to share this update. 

If you'd like to connect, I'm still on Goodreads. Add me as a friend there to see what I'm reading and how I'm rating it. And though I'm not posting on Instagram currently, I do actively follow people and chat in my DMs. I'm @soobsessedblog there – please feel free to reach out! If I ever get the itch to start a Substack, you'll find out about it there. Thank you so much for spending your time reading the books I've recommended and the things I've written! Creating So Obsessed With was one of the best decisions I ever made.


  1. It’s been years since I’ve posted regularly and honestly don’t read many anymore, but happened to just check my feed reader today. Thanks for checking in! I’m finally reading The Throne of Glass books, and even though they’re so big now, your blog was really the first I remember that was so excited about them. I’m glad you and your family is doing well, and wish you all the best.

  2. I was a longtime reader of your blog and was so excited to see a new post! Thank you from this reader for the update. I'm happy to read that you and your family are well. I update my blog a lot less frequently than I used to, but like you I love knowing it exists as an archive of my reading and bookish thoughts.

  3. Oh Hannah! I was so excited to see that you posted something new as I missed your voice in the bookish online space. I'm glad you're spending your energy enjoying time with your family and journaling! You'll definitely be missed, but I'm glad you made the decision that's best for you (and I look forward to still seeing your goodreads updates and anything you may post on instagram). XOXO!!

  4. I’m glad to hear you’re doing alright. I wondered. I enjoy checking your website periodically for recommendations. Glad we can still access it or some of it on blogspot. Thanks for all your hard work. Good luck for the future!

  5. Thank you God for this post! I'm very happy that everything is fine. I missed you so much! It's sad that you don't feel like posting again, you were a great inspiration, but I understand that you should be true to yourself and invest your time in what makes you happy right now.

  6. The way I gasped when I saw this come up in my Feedly!!! I've missed reading your posts but totally understand - my blog still exists but I only post a few times a month for review copy obligations and remembering my own reading haha. I'll catch up with you elsewhere <3


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