December 2020 Goals

Hello, December. We meet again! I honestly can't believe we're finishing up 2020. This has been a weird year, to say the least, but it's one I've loved overall. Time at home with my family, seeing progress on my goals, investing in the things and people that bring me joy – there have been so many good things mixed in with the hard stuff. I did okay on my goals in November, and I'm happy with my progress. I didn't get everything done, but I still did a lot.

With everything going on in December, I know that I need to hone in on what matters most. I want to finish the year well, and for me that means spending my time reflecting on the months past and preparing for the new year. So, aside from a few maintenance tasks, you'll notice that most of my December goals have that in common. 

On My Calendar:
– Several doctor's appointments for me and the baby
– School registration + Christmas photos for my big boy
– Lots of end of the year recaps on the blog
– Celebrating Christmas with our favorite traditions 

Currently Obsessing Over:
– Photo organization has been a huge priority for me in 2020, and I've made a lot of progress on this goal. And next year, I want to tackle printing photo books. Miss Freddy's family yearbook course to the rescue!
– We ordered the baby a few things from Bannor Toys, and I was so impressed with quality when they arrived. I can't wait to see his reaction to them on Christmas morning and hope he loves them as much as I do.
– Kelly and I chose Molly's Game for our recent Movie Night, and it was amazing! I already want to watch it again.
– One of our December traditions is to read a Christmas book every night, and I love the two new additions to our collection: All the Colors of Christmas by Matthew Paul Turner and The ABCs of Christmas by Jo Parker. 

Yearly Goals:
(These should stay the same all year, so I'll just do month-to-month progress reports!)
– Read through the Bible in one year.
– Read a devotional every morning.
– Track my spending in the Goodbudget app.
– Blog 2x per week.

November progress: 
– I finished reading my Bible on Friday, November 27. I can't believe I'm done a whole month early!
– I was pretty consistent about this goal! Now I have to think about what devotional I'll read in 2021. 
– This went great... until it didn't. I was consistent the first half of the month and then didn't log anything.
– Womp, womp. I shared only five posts, but December is a new month. I want to finish strong! 

Revisiting My November Goals:
Schedule a monthly planning session. / Once again, I squeezed this planning session in at the start of December. I feel like the end of the month has snuck up on me lately! Even when I'm "late," I'm so glad I make time for it.
Complete Nine Months in the baby's journal + take monthly photo. / Done! I can't believe he's almost one year old. Where has the time gone? But I'm looking forward to being past the monthly sections in his baby book!
Complete Eight & Nine months in my big boy's journal. / I finished 8 months but, once again, dragged my feet on the next month. My big boy's book requires me to do a little extra research since I didn't write in real time and have to jog my memory, but I don't need to procrastinate so much. It takes way less time than I act like it does.
Cull, download, rename, and backup October 2020 photos. / Complete. I'm proud I've stayed on top of this goal in 2020! I'm hoping to learn how to automate this step a little more going into 2021 through Miss Freddy's course.
Do a daily Thankful Turkey with my big boy. / This was adorable, and I'm so glad we did it! His answers were hilarious, including the fact that his "Mario cup" made the list before my husband did. We will do this again!
Start Christmas shopping. / Not only did I start, but I basically finished our Christmas shopping! I think we have a few things left to buy for a gift exchange game, but that's it. I'm so happy to be done with time to spare.
– Have a family game night. / I totally forgot that I'd even put this on my list. Whoops!
Go on a reading weekend trip with my sister. / This was my favorite part of November! I loved going to the mountains for a few days to read and relax. I adore the baby's babble and my big boy's adorable chatter, but it was so nice to enjoy some quiet time. I'm so thankful to Nick for making sure it happened.
– Work on my 2020 reading goals and Fall TBR. / I got sucked into the Gamache series on audio and didn't make as much progress on my Fall TBR as I'd hoped. And let's not even talk about my 10 in 20 reading list...
Blog about my Christmas wishlist / gift ideas. / Hooray, I shared a wishlist for my boys and for myself. I didn't blog much in November but making this a goal helped me prioritize the posts I most wanted to share.
Re-organize four spaces: laundry room, kitchen, mud room, and guest bedroom. / I organized more than four spaces – my laundry room, kitchen, pantry, mud room, a linen closet, and coat closet – but only got about halfway through the guest bedroom. That's a bigger task than I'd anticipated, and I'll revisit it in January.
– Begin my PowerSheets Prep Work. / I didn't even open them! Yikes. However, it's my priority for December.

My December Goals: 
– Schedule a monthly planning session. 
– Cull, download, rename, and backup November 2020 photos.
– Complete Ten Months in the baby's journal + take monthly photo.
– Complete Nine & Ten Months in my big boy's journal.
– Design and order 2021 photo calendar.
– Complete 2021 PowerSheets prep work.
– Celebrate our favorite Christmas traditions.
– Set up my 2021 bookish bullet journal.
– Write all of my end of the year blog posts.

Do you have any goals for December?

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