20 Books I Want to Read This Winter

Even though I don't typically read everything from my seasonal TBRs, I love making them. It gives me a starting point when I ask myself, "What should I read next?" And it can often motivate me to read things that have been sitting on my shelves for just a little too long! My Fall TBR was 20 books, and I finished 15 books off my list. Could be better, could be worse. So, here are 25 books on my Winter TBR for today's Top Ten Tuesday topic:


1. Meet Me in Bombay by Jenny Ashcroft (January 19) – Did I fall victim to this beautiful cover and the oh-so-tempting "Read Now" button on NetGalley? You better believe it. I better not regret my rash decision...

2. You Have a Match by Emma Lord (January 12) – Tweet Cute was absolutely adorable, so I almost died when I saw her new release was briefly available as a "Read Now" download. I hope I love it just as much! 

3. Ten Rules for Faking It by Sophie Sullivan (December 29) – I'm a sucker for rom coms with cute illustrated covers, so seeing this was "Read Now" on NetGalley felt like fate. Are you sensing a theme here? 


4. My Southern Journey by Rick Bragg – Things set in and about the South often appeal to me, and I'm somewhat familiar with Bragg from his essays in Southern Living. This was $2 at Goodwill, so I had to try it.

5. Austen Years by Rachel Cohen – If you know me, you know I love Jane Austen. This memoir has mixed reviews, but I loved the concept too much not to at least try it. Worst case, it looks nice in my Austen collection.

6. The Ministry of Ordinary Places by Shannan Martin – I bought this when the Christian bookstore near me was going out of business, and I love the idea behind it. I don't want it to sit on my TBR much longer!


7. Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry – I've seen people rave about Berry before, and lately I've found myself craving slower, character-driven novels. This seems like a peaceful read, if that makes sense, and I've need those.

8. Hungry Hearts edited by Elsie Chapman – I love food in fiction, so I couldn't resist a YA short story anthology about "the intersection of family, culture, and food." These will probably be hit or miss, but that's okay.

9. The Searcher by Tana French – After binging three French books in October, I had to buy her newest release and add it to my Winter TBR! I'm actually hoping to listen to it on audio because it's my favorite format for her.

10. The Other Bennet Sister by Janice Hadlow – After enjoying two Austen-inspired fictional tales this year, I'm more motivated to pick this one up. I love that it focuses on Mary Bennet but am nervous about the length.

11. Dark of the West by Joanna Hathaway – This was a completely spontaneous Book Outlet purchase, but it was described as The Winner's Curse meets Code Name Verity. I need it to deliver so I can binge the whole trilogy!

12. None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney – Marney writes amazing YA mysteries, so I have to read her newest book... even though the cover and summary (a serial killer!) kinda freak me out. Fingers crossed, doors locked.

13. The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny – This went from a series I didn't plan on finishing to one where I read about seven books in as many weeks. I can't believe I've made it to #11 and will be sad when I'm caught up.

14. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon – I had no intention of reading this book, but my sister convinced me that I had to try it. She even gave me her paperback, and it's just staring me down now.

15. The Star-Crossed Sisters of Tuscany by Lori Nelson Spielman – I'm trying to stay up-to-date on my Book of the Month selections, so I need to prioritize this November pick. An Italian vacation is just what I need!

16. Fable by Adrienne Young – Did I buy this book because of all the bookstagram hype? You better believe it. I love how the cover pairs with the sequel and that I got a copy of the first without Reese's Book Club logo.


17. Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano (February 2) – This cover immediately appealed to me, but a rave review from IdleWildReads catapulted it to pre-order status. I can't wait to get my hands on it!

18. Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson (March 2) – A Good Girl's Guide to Murder was one of my favorite books of 2020, and I've been eagerly counting down the days until the sequel comes out here in the US. 

19. A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas (February 16) – I'm not ready, but I want it! I need to re-read the trilogy and prepare myself emotionally first. I've wanted this story from the first moment Cassian and Nesta met.

20. An Unexpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn (March 2) – This series gets better with each new release, and I'm looking forward to seeing where Raybourn takes the characters after the events in the previous book.

What are you hoping to read this winter?


  1. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    My post.

  2. You have great taste in books! I love Tana French and Louise Penny. THE SEARCHER isn't my favorite of French's, but it's still super compelling. It's quieter than her others, so that was an interesting change. I'm also excited about YOU HAVE A MATCH since I also loved TWEET CUTE. I just read HUNGRY HEARTS, which I didn't end up loving. As a whole, it was just okay. At any rate, I hope you love all your picks!

    Happy TTT!

  3. I won a copy of Meet Me in Bombay so that’s on my to-read list too! Hopefully it lives up to expectations.

  4. I don't think either of us were properly ready for the reading experience that was A Court of Silver Flames ;) But also, I definitely want to get around to reading Hungry Hearts because I've had it on my TBR for what feels like forever!


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