November 2020 Goals

I finally found my groove! After hitting a lull in August and September, it was nice to get back on track in October. I didn't necessarily check off every goal on my list, but I made more consistent progress. And I just felt more aware of what I wanted and needed to do! Reading, blogging, cleaning, planning – it all went much more smoothly, and I'm so thankful. We had fun adventures as a family, and some unexpected changes, too. Nick got a new job, which happened very fast and wasn't totally planned. But we're celebrating that new opportunity and excited for all that's to come! As we near the end of the year, I'm focusing on finishing strong and beginning to prepare for 2021.

On My Calendar:
– Voting on Election Day
– Mountain weekend with my sister
– Thanksgiving festivities
– Decorating and preparing for Christmas

Currently Obsessing Over:
– I've spent forever trying to choose what bookmarks to buy from Lauren Naylor Design Co. Every time I think I've decided, I add "just one more" to my cart and the debate starts over. But the Classic Couples set is a given!
– Do I need another mug? Absolutely not. Do I want this Gilmore Girls one? You better believe it.
– I'm in love with this Simple Modern 32 oz water bottle with a straw lid. I prefer ice-cold water, and this keeps it that way. I take medicine every morning and can fill this up the night before and wake up to ice still in the cup!
– My sister got me this adorable "One More Chapter" sweatshirt, and I never want to take it off.

Yearly Goals:
(These should stay the same all year, so I'll just do month-to-month progress reports!)
– Read through the Bible in one year.
– Read a devotional every morning.
– Track my spending in the Goodbudget app.
– Blog 2x per week.

October progress: 
– October was a much better month for me, and I only missed a few days of Bible reading!
– Similarly, I maintained steady progress on my daily devotional reading.
– I got back into this habit and realized, once again, how much tracking helps me stay on budget.
– YES! After two months of failing at this goal, I'm happy that I got back on track in October.

Revisiting My October Goals:
Schedule a monthly planning session. / I finished this up a few days into the new month because I didn't get to sit down with my PowerSheets until then! But everything else was wrapped up and prepped in October.
Complete Eight Months in the baby's journal + take monthly photo. / I got both of these done on time!
– Complete Eight Months in my big boy's journal. / I procrastinated this and just added it to my November goals.
Cull, download, rename, and backup September 2020 photos. / Yep! I got this done early in the month.
Have a fall adventure as a family, like the pumpkin patch or apple picking. / We had a few! We visited a local pumpkin patch, which included other fall activities like a hay ride and corn maze. On a perfect fall day, we loved walking through an animal sanctuary. My big boy loved pointing out all the spooky decorations, too. And we were able to trick-or-treat on Halloween, too, though it looked a bit different than normal. 
Go through Lazy Genius' The Clean Slate, The Holiday Docket, The Meal Plan, and The Swap. / I'm so glad I added this to my goals. Because I pre-ordered The Lazy Genius Way, I received these four digital downloads and had been meaning to go through them. My favorite was The Holiday Docket, which was particularly timely.
Blog about my 2020 planner lineup. / This has been on my mental to-do list for ages, and making it a goal was the motivation I needed to actually get it done. In my "If You Give a Girl a Planner" blog series, you can can read about my daily planner, my goal planner, my reading journal, and my bookish notebook.
Re-read one comforting book that feels like fall. / Just what my reading life needed! I decided to re-read The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. There's something about this book that's so cozy and comforting to me.
– Finish planning Christmas gifts for the boys. / I made some progress on this goal but not enough to cross it off my list. Now it's time to start ordering, so I've added a version of this goal onto my November list below. 
Add school extension activities to my big boy's daily routine. / This was a success, and I plan to continue the rest of the year. My son's teacher has done an amazing job at his virtual pre-k, but I realized that I could extend those lessons through the books we read, conversations we have, and adventures we take. It's been so fun!
Buy new 2021 Powersheets! / The easiest goal to check off my list! I got the color Clear Skies.

My November Goals:
– Schedule a monthly planning session.
– Complete Nine Months in the baby's journal + take monthly photo.
– Complete Eight & Nine months in my big boy's journal.
– Cull, download, rename, and backup October 2020 photos.
– Do a daily Thankful Turkey with my big boy.
– Start Christmas shopping.
– Have a family game night.
– Go on a reading weekend trip with my sister.
– Work on my 2020 reading goals and Fall TBR.
– Blog about my Christmas wishlist / gift ideas.
– Re-organize four spaces: laundry room, kitchen, mud room, and guest bedroom.
– Begin my PowerSheets Prep Work.

Do you have any goals for November?

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