You Might Be a Book Lover If...

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is such a fun one: Top Ten Signs You're A Book Lover! As soon as I saw it on the schedule, I started brainstorming what would be on my list. I tried to think of some of my nerdiest habits – the ones that make it very evident that I'm so obsessed with books and that sometimes elicit teasing from the people who love me most. But the only thing required to be a book lover? A love of reading! All the stuff is just the icing on the cake... or the jacket on the book, as the case may be. 

1. You have books in every room of your house... and a home library, too.
My husband made me the most gorgeous built-ins from IKEA Billy bookcases. And now my finished library is my favorite room in our house! But the books don't stop there. You'll find some in every room of our house.

2. You own multiple editions of your favorite books.
You'd probably be shocked by how many books I own multiple copies of: because they have different covers, are from different countries, or because it's in a different format (like audio or e-book). The list is... extensive.

3. You own a book sleeve. Or two. Or more.
When I first heard about book sleeves, I thought they sounded dumb. Now I own and love a bunch! My favorites are from Story Time Sleeve, A Hum for HopeBook Besties UK, and a Book Beau my friend customized for me.

4. You've paid for some type of bookish subscription.
There are so many of these, and I've tried several. I loved Book of the Month for a while, though I've since canceled. My son gets a BookRoo picture book subscription. And I adore my Audible subscription. Just to name a few!

5. You discuss the texture of book covers with your bestie.
I was browsing the bookstore one day and sent Kelly a picture of a recent release. "It has a velvety texture!" I texted. "Like Jojo Moyes' books?" she asked. And then we laughed at how nerdy we sounded!

6. You design and complete a bookish March Madness bracket.
Kelly and I make a March Madness bet where the winner gets to make the loser read a book of their choice. Since this year's tournament was canceled, I made us a bookish version. A post about it is coming soon.

7. You have your library card number memorized.
I don't have my credit card number memorized, but you better believe I know my library card number by heart! I'll be in trouble if it ever changes. Bonus points if you pay to belong to another library system. Because I do that, too!

8. You buy books about books.
I don't know if you can tell from the photo in this post, but I have a stack of books about books on that side table in my library. The prettiest is Bibliophile by Jane Mount, and my favorite is I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel.

9. You have bookish journals and made custom inserts for them!
I have a reading log where I track what books I've read and what I thought about each of them. But my favorite is my bookish Happy Planner because I designed custom printables for it. I need to share the updated version of it.

10. You buy products inspired by your favorite books.
And finally, you know you're a book lover if you can't resist bookish merchandise. I have prints, t-shirts, candles, bookmarks, mugs, totes, and more that all pay homage to the books and characters I love most. Nerd alert!

Are any of these things true for you?

What would you add to my list?


  1. Yes, I do have my library card number memorized. It's impressive to see how many folks can say the same this week!

    My TTT .

  2. I going through withdrawal with the libraries closed.

  3. I totally have my library card memorized! It helps when I want to log into my account at work, haha!

  4. I had the same reaction when I first heard of book sleeves, too! I bought my first one about a month ago and fell in love immediately. Since then, I've also had several other people see me carrying it around and ask about where to get one because they loved it. xD Also, my books are amazingly a lot nicer than they used to be with me carrying them around. Great list!

    Here's my TTT post.

  5. Texture of book covers-I'll have to notice more often. :)

    Check out my TTT and my March Read Harder Challenge Update

  6. Oh, your home library is gorgeous! Lucky you :) How do you ever leave that room??

    I also have my county library card number memorized, but not my city one. I better get cracking on that one :)

    Happy TTT!

  7. When I'm writing, I totally ignore my husband...and meal times...and phone calls. I live IN the book, not here! When I was writing a book about a young boy named James, I kept referring to our older grandson as James, until my husband reminded me that's not his name. Oops! Glad I didn't slip up in front of his dad, our son! And when I added another high school district to my subbing list, I added a school that I've used as a setting for a series I wrote. So now when I walk down the halls, I'm "looking" for my characters as teenagers. And I imagine them to be there. Yes, totally weird.

    I keep a book in my truck, so when I get stopped by trains, as happens a lot in our town, I have something to read.

  8. I feel very called out by this post (in a good way) because they are all (with some variation) things that I do for sure!


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