Series + Summer = Success!

Even though it's already kicked off, I've decided to join the Summer Series Challenge! What's prompted this late minute (not really, you can totally still join) decision?

Basically, This Challenge Is Perfect For Me Because:
  1. I love series - here's proof if you don't believe me!
  2. I like all three of the bloggers/blogs hosting this challenge - Heather @ The Flyleaf Review, Asheley @ Into the Hall of Books and Lauren @ Love Is Not A Triangle.
  3. One of my goals for 2013 was to participate in at least one challenge this year. This will totally put a checkmark next to that item on my list!
  4. Another goal for the year is to read more books on my TBR. Most, if not all, of the books I'd like to read for this challenge would meet that goal, too.
  5. This challenge seems really laid-back and chill, which is just what I need in the summer months. Can't be going crazy with too many rules or to dos!
Summer Series Challenge Rules:
  1. The Summer Series Challenge begins June 1, 2013 and ends August 31, 2013. This means that books must be started and completed withing that time frame to be counted for this challenge. Audiobooks DO count for this challenge. 
  2. Anyone can join the challenge, but you need to have some place that you can publish reviews in English – a blog, Goodreads, Amazon etc. for your reading to be counted towards the giveaways.
  3. Although there are no genre restrictions on the books you choose, they have to be part of a series. That means no standalones.
  4. Series that are made up of linked single books/companion series will be counted. For instance Miranda Kenneally’s Hundred Oak’s seriesCharles Sheehan-Miles Thompson Sisters series, or Simone Elkeles' Perfect Chemistry series are fine.
  5. The purpose of this challenge is to encourage readers to finish completed series. That means the series you choose need to be fully published. You cannot count debut series that only have one book released.* 
*However, we will make an exception for longer series that have at least 3 books published.  For instance, Megan Whalen Turner’s Queen’s Thief series has 4 books released though 6 are planned, so those books would count. 

PS - These rules are copied and pasted from Into the Hall of Books Introductory & Sign-Up Post because I am nothing if not lazy when it comes to blogging lately.

PPS - There's still time to join! So you totally should. Obviously.

So, Here Are Books I Might Read:

Series I Want To Finish:
Bright Young Things series by Anna Goderbersen  (#3 The Lucky Ones)
Delirium series by Lauren Oliver (#3 Requiem)
Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore (#3 Bitterblue)
Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare (#2 Clockwork Prince; #3 Clockwork Princess)
Matched series by Ally Condie (#3 Reached)

Series I Want To Start & Finish:
Katie Parker Productions series by Jenny B. Jones
Passing Bells series by Phillip Rock
The Tea Rose series by Jennifer Donnelly
* First two would be re-reads, but I can't finish this series without starting over

Series I Want To Re-Read:
Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace
Emily series by L.M. Montgomery
Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers

Bonus! Unfinished Series That Don't Count But I'm Still Listing Them:
His Fair Assassin series by R.L. LaFevers (#2 Dark Triumph)
Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer (#2 Scarlet)
Smoke & Bone series by Laini Taylor (#2 Days of Blood and Starlight)

Okay, so you might be saying a) holy crap! that's a million books/series, b) are you sure you can include re-reads, c) those last three books don't count or d) stop buying books.

To that I would say:

a) I KNOW, RIGHT? Also, this is totally just a list of books I am considering and will be choosing from for this challenge. Rather than try and set specific goals, my goal is just to complete any of the series from this list and not to try and start/finish any series besides the ones listed here.

b) I asked! Asheley thought it was totally fine and they counted, as long as I reviewed/posted about them on the blog. And that I can totally do, especially since I first read these pre-blogging.

c) Again, I totally know that. I'm just listing them to remind myself of books in a series that are hanging out on my TBR. Just call me a rule-breaker for even letting them grace this post.

d) Totally and completely agree. As does my husband.

I'm all suited up and ready to series away the summer. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!


  1. Oh! This is a great idea! I already said I'd participate in Books with Cass' summer of Standalones, but I have so many series on the go too. And hey, if I do both, then every book that I read counts.....right?

    1. Haha! Love that you'd be totally covered for both challenges!

  2. I ADORE YOU FOREVER. For everything you've put in this post.

    OOOH Mark of the Lion. I REALLY need/want to re-read those at some point. So, so good.

    Also, I love your Bonus section so hard. When can we meet and hang out?

    1. You know, I'm headed to Georgia for a week in July, I think you should come too Asheley and we can all hang out together!

    2. AH! We must reread Mark of the Lion around the same time so we can discuss!

      AND PLEASE CAN WE ALL HANG OUT AT SOME POINT?! I want life to work out and all us be in the same place at the same time!

  3. This is an AWESOME post, chica! Way to go and THANK YOU for embracing this challenge! As to your concerns:

    a) I totally applaud you for your HUGE list, Hannah! I say go big or go home!
    b)I know re-reads weren't addressed specifically but heck yeah they count! They are works in a series after all and I love that you are going back to re-read and review books that you read pre-blogging. THAT is a brilliant idea:) And anyone who says anything differently can BITE ME. :)
    c)There is nothing I admire more than a rule breaker, so go ahead and read those books in an unfinished series because the whole point is to READ those books in a series that you have been DYING to read but haven't for one reason or another. So go ahead, bend, break, demolish those rules if it makes you happy:)
    d)This is a problem we all face. Trust me. But so long as those book get read, then I say no foul, no harm. Continue on with the book buying:)

    I am so glad you joined this challenge. I can't wait to hear about your progress and your thoughts on The Infernal Devices (TEAM JEM!); Bitterblue (I may add that one to my list too), Scarlet (WOLF and THORNE!), and Days of Blood and Starlight (THAT book, OMG.)

    Woo hoo! So glad you joined the party!

    1. a) Thank you, thank you. I say go big or go home, too, especially when you love the challenge!
      b) YAY!
      c) Love that you're encouraging breaking the rules! I need more friends like you. I'm the total rule follow who needs someone to push them to break the rules :)
      d) Yay for permission to keep going on the book buying!

      So glad you're hosting such a fun party!

  4. Replies
    1. Haha! I love that it's about to be August and I still haven't read Bitterblue.

  5. This is the most amazing post EVER. WOW. I am impressed with your dedication and ambition. You inspire ME to get going! So many of these series I love, or they're ones I want to read too. I love Jenny B. Jones and have read There You'll Find me and Save the Date, but not her Katie Parker series. FUN! THe Mark of the Lion I haven't read either. LOVE you for this post!!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I'm having so much participating in this challenge :)

  6. I haven't actually written my post about this challenge (MEEP), so I will have to do that soon. Especially since you've done yours and it's laid out so well and so clearly! I have to take note of the series that I want to start/re-read for it... And there are a few!

    1. Yeah, I was surprised by how many series I was able to think of that fit this criteria!


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