Lumatere Chronicles Read-Along

The Background
I've been so obsessed with Melina Marchetta ever since I read Jellicoe Road last summer. I spent the first 80 or so pages really confused, but I ended up falling in love with the story, the characters and Melina's writing. A few months later, I devoured Saving Francesca and The Piper's Son. In a moment of Marchetta fangirling, I bought her two fantasy books - Finnikin of the Rock and Froi of the Exiles. And they've been sitting on my Kindle ever since.

While browsing the blog world one day, I saw a comment between Magan and Lisa about reading Finnikin of the Rock. I then proceeded to inform them that I better be included. Or else. After talking with Magan, Lisa and Alexa, I've decided to host a Lumatere Chronicles Read-Along. I checked Goodreads, and I saw these books hanging out on a lot of TBR piles. Well, now's your chance to read it! Bonus: You get to join in on some fabulous bookish discussions.

The Essentials
First of all, you don't have to be a blogger to participate. Anyone and everyone is welcome! I've created a reading schedule that has us reading Finnikin of the Rock in February and Froi of the Exiles in March. I've got us finishing up the first week of April, which is clearly perfect since Quintana of Charyn (book three) will be released in the US in April. I thought it was April 9, but Amazon now says April 23. Either way, it's still perfect timing!

Every Friday, I'll post some thoughts on that week's reading. Join the discussion in whichever way suits you best - either leaving a comment with your own thoughts or writing a post on your own blog. Just leave a link to your post in the comments if you go that route so we can all come read!

Finnikin of the Rock is 399 pages, and I've got it broken down to about 100 pages a week. Froi of the Exiles is 592 pages, so I think we'll be reading closer to 120ish pages a week. I'm hoping that's a good pace for everyone! I know some people read faster and find it hard to slow down, so feel free to read ahead. Just don't post any spoilers in the weekly discussion post, pretty please.

The First Book (from Goodreads)
Finnikin of the Rock and his guardian, Sir Topher, have not been home to their beloved Lumatere for ten years. Not since the dark days when the royal family was murdered and the kingdom put under a terrible curse. But then Finnikin is summoned to meet Evanjalin, a young woman with an incredible claim: the heir to the throne of Lumatere, Prince Balthazar, is alive.

Evanjalin is determined to return home and she is the only one who can lead them to the heir. As they journey together, Finnikin is affected by her arrogance... and her hope. He begins to believe he will see his childhood friend, Prince Balthazar, again. And that their cursed people will be able to enter Lumatere and be reunited with those trapped inside. He even believes he will find his imprisoned father.

But Evanjalin is not what she seems. And the truth will test not only Finnikin's faith in her... but in himself.

The Author (From Melina's Website)
Melina Marchetta's novels have been published in eighteen countries and in seventeen languages. Melina's first novel, Looking for Alibrandi, swept the pool of literary awards for young adult fictions when it was published, winning the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Award for Older Readers among many others.

Melina taught secondary-school English for ten years, during which time she released her second novel Saving Francesca, which won the CBCA Book of the Year Award for Older Readers, followed by On The Jellicoe Road, which won the American Library Association's Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature in 2009. Melina's next novel, Finnikin of the Rock, won the Aurealis Award for Best Young Adult Novel, and was followed by The Piper's Son, the critically acclaimed companion novel to Saving Francesca. Melina has also written a book for younger readers, The Gorgon in the Gully, which was released in 2010. The second book in the Lumatere Chronicles, Froi of the Exiles, was published in 2011 to much international praise. The final novel in The Lumatere Chronicles, Quintana of Charyn, was released in Australia in September 2012 and will be released in the US in April 2013.

The Reading Schedule
Finnikin of the Rock Reading Schedule
Week 1 (February 3 - 8) :: To Part Two
Week 2 (February 10 - 15) :: To Chapter 18
Week 3 (February 17 - 22) :: To Part Three
Week 4 (February 24 - March 1) :: To End

Froi of the Exiles Reading Schedule
Week 1 (March 3 - 8) :: To Chapter 9
Week 2 (March 10 - 15) :: To Chapter 18
Week 3 (March 17 - 22) :: To Part Three
Week 4 (March 24 - 29) :: To Chapter 32
Week 5 (March 31 - April 5) :: To End

The Sign Up
Interested in joining? Just leave a comment below! I've never hosted a read-along before, but I'm trying to keep it simple and easy. All you have to do to participate is read with other cool book nerds and come talk about the book as you read them. What's more fun than that?! Also, use the hashtag #LumatereRA to share your thoughts on Twitter as we go along!


  1. Umm, I AM IN. Always wanted to read these. PLUS!! Finnikin of the Rock is the Kindle Daily Deal for today!!!!

    1. SO GLAD YOU'RE IN! And thanks for telling me it was the Daily Deal - that was some legit perfect timing!

  2. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH and I WANT EVERYONE TO READ IT. I definitely plan to re-read this with you guys. Melina Marchetta blows me away EVERY TIME. There cannot be enough ALL CAPS phrases to describe how awesome of a writer she is.

    1. Lauren, I am SO excited that you'll be re-reading it with us! You have no idea. I am a huge fan of Melina just from the three I've already read, and I have a feeling this will make me even more in love with her. She is an incredible writer!

    2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this banner! Just added it to my blog. CANNOT WAIT.

    3. Thanks Lauren! Although I'd love to be, I'm definitely not a designer. But I try to make things pretty :) Glad you love it!

      I'm getting excited - it's so close!

  3. IN!!!! :D I've been wanting to read this series for a while now!

    1. WOOHOOO JESS! I'm so happy you'll be joining!

  4. Awesome. Also, loving that twitter hashtag. LOVIN IT.

    1. And I want to post your button on my blog?

    2. First of all, hashtag was all you. Seriously. You're the best!

      And feel free to take the button! Go for it. I try to be all designer-y but clearly I'm not - I know the text is probably hard to read but oh well. Maybe I'll try another version! If you need something smaller or whatnot, just let me know ladyyyy.

    3. Updated the button so that it would be easier to read if you did decide to use it in your sidebar :)

  5. I'm totally doing a happy dance right now! I'm super excited to read these books, and it's even more awesome I get to read them with all of you <3

    1. I'm seriously so excited to be doing this with you lady! Can't imagine better reading friends to experience these with :)

  6. I'm in! I've had this series earmarked for definite reading before Quintana comes out, and you've given me an offer I can't refuse! I love read alongs, and with such lovely participants, I can't turn this one down--I'll be there!

    1. Yippeeee, Heidi! So happy you'll be joining! And so happy I made an offer you couldn't refuse :) We really do have some FABULOUS people participating.

  7. This is awesome—Finnikin of the Rock was one of the best books I read last year, but for whatever reason I just didn't get to Froi of the Exiles, though I've heard it's actually better! So my copies of all three (Quintana of Charyn is available now from Fishpond, for those who are impatient) have been sitting on my shelves, waiting to be (re)read. And this is the perfect opportunity to make that happen!

    Thanks for hosting. I can't wait to read what everyone thinks!

    1. Yay, Anna! I'm seriously so happy you'll be joining us :) I'm excited to hear that you loved Finnikin of the Rock and haven't gotten to Froi of the Exiles yet. Talk about perfect timing! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them! And you shouldn't have told me about getting it on Fishpond... I'm trying to resist going ahead and buying it!

  8. What a great event! I would love it listed in the Book Blog 411 Read Along List if you would be so inclined.

    1. Thanks! And feel free to list it in the Read Along List you've mentioned - I'd love for more people to join in if they're interested!

  9. I'm bookmarking this page first! I would dearly love to join in to (re)read this wonderful series but I may not have time.

    P.S. Froi of the Exiles hardcover is only $7.60 on Amazon!

    1. We'd love to have you, but I certainly understand about not always having time. Either way - hope you'll pop in and check out some everyone's thoughts on it. Maybe it will inspire you to reread on your own as you have the time :)

      Thanks for the heads up about Froi on Amazon! What a good deal!

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